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Building owners and managers are subject to their local fire codes through operational permits and inspections. These inspections are carried out by your local fire marshal and any other coding officials and/or inspectors that represent the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). The fire marshal or fire inspector has the authority to enter your building without just cause.


If at any time, your building is found to be in violation of any of the NFPA codes, the fire marshal has the right to shut your building and business down until the issues are resolved. This is not a favorable outcome, so remaining compliant with fire codes is absolutely essential, not only for your business operations but also for the safety of all those in and around the building.


Common infractions that can cause a shutdown of your building include:


  • Blocked fire department connections and valves

  • Incorrect or malfunctioning fire sprinkler system

  • Improper storage in the fire pump and/or riser rooms

  • Insufficient fire sprinkler clearance

  • Hanging items from fire sprinkler and/or the piping


Not only is your building subject to the threat of a shutdown should you violate any part of the fire code, but you could also be faced with serious fines. The amount of the fine assigned to you will vary based on your state, the offense, and other local codes and regulations.


The best way to prevent fines and a potential shut down is to stay up to date with fire codes and regulations and maintain regular inspections.







Per the NFPA, for fire alarm systems, you’re required to implement a fire watch if the system is impaired for more than four hours in a 24-hour period. For sprinkler or water-based systems, a fire watch service is required for outages that last more than 10 hours in a 24-hour period. In any case, the first thing that you need to do is notify your local fire department of the situation.


The general requirements for fire watch services will vary from location to location based on local and state laws and regulations. There are typically multiple authorities having jurisdiction, some may be stricter than the NFPA, and others may be less. In any case, the most stringent of regulations apply and take precedence so you must understand the regulations governing your specific circumstances.


Fire watch personnel are dispatched to buildings with broken or malfunctioning fire alarm or sprinkler systems where they then have a list of duties that includes keeping a vigilant watch over the building and surrounding areas, acting as human fire detectors.


Fire guards are to report a fire, smoke, or any other danger immediately to the fire department and alert everyone in the building of the danger. They are also tasked with the responsibility of maintaining a fire log which documents every action taken during the watch.  All building owners and managers should have a solid system and plan in place for situations in which fire watch patrol personnel are required.






The requirements for construction site fire watch are similar to those of building fire watch security, with a few variations to account for the industrial nature of the site. There are several additional risk factors at play with construction sites.

Construction sites present a unique set of fire hazards to the security guard fire watch, due to the hot work being performed and the potential for dangerous and/or flammable materials on site. Fire codes must be strictly adhered to on construction sites because a fire in a large site has the potential to affect not just the site, but the surrounding area which can include other buildings and homes.

Some of the basic requirements include:

  • Hot work areas are fully inspected and monitored

  • Any heating equipment is to be inspected and kept away from combustibles

  • Temporary wiring is to be inspected for faults

  • Flammable liquids and other hazardous materials must be stored and maintained appropriately

  • Fire access roads are to remain clear

  • Fire hydrants must be unobstructed

  • Fire extinguishers are to be in place and working properly

There may be additional requirements that your construction site is required to adhere to. It’s your responsibility as the site manager to understand the codes and regulations that govern your site and ensure there are proper plans and personnel in place to prevent potentially deadly situations.






Due to the short notice and critical response, an emergency fire watch will cost you a bit more than previously scheduled fire watch services. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $50-$100 per hour for professional emergency fire watch personnel.  However we do offer discounted rates for selected companies. 


Unfortunately, situations that require the assistance of fire guards are difficult to predict, therefore more often than not the need for guards is urgent. No one anticipates that their fire alarm system will malfunction or that their water-based sprinkler system will need repair.


The best thing you, as a building owner or manager, can do is to be as prepared as possible for emergencies and know that the financial cost of an emergency fire watch is a small price to pay to ensure the safety of your building and those inside it.


Failure to call in fire guards immediately can result in lofty fines and the threat of a building shut-down by the fire marshal. You want to be sure to call in your own guards before the fire marshal shows up and orders guards for you.


The cost for guards ordered by the fire marshal will cost you significantly more because they will likely recruit fire department personnel who need to be compensated for overtime and opportunity costs.


The good news is that most fire watch companies have guards ready and waiting to report to duty. Although the price for emergency services is more than routine service, it’s well worth the cost when you consider the important job they’re performing and the fact that they’re ready to go at the drop of a hat, any time of the day or night.





The cost of professional fire watch services will depend on a few factors, including whether the need is emergent in nature and the location. A typical fire watch company will charge anywhere between $35-$50 per hour, depending on the situation.  However we do offer discounted rates for selected companies.  Give us a call.


If it comes to the fire marshal needing to staff the building, the cost will increase significantly. Your local fire marshal may charge upwards of $200 per hour for fire watch services because he will likely be using fire department personnel who need to be compensated properly for overtime and other factors.


It’s in your best interest as the building owner or manager to hire your own fire watch personnel the minute you know that these services will be required. You’ll save yourself a lot of money and fines by being proactive and enlisting the help of a certified fire watch service before you are ordered to do so by the fire marshal.


Many situations are emergent, so your best plan of action is to have a reliable fire watch company on your side that you can call anytime to get the staff you need on-site to protect your building, the occupants, and save you from expensive fines.





Yes, a fire watch checklist is vital to the safety and security of your building and all those inside it. You should have a checklist completed and ready to go should you ever require these services. Fire watch guards are trained in fire watch compliance; however, each building is unique, therefore you must have a fire watch worksheet that is custom to your building.


Your checklist should include:


  • A layout of the building, including all exits, stairs, etc.

  • Instructions for ensuring all exits are clear of obstructions

  • Instructions for notifying all occupants

  • Instructions for updating and maintaining the fire log

  • Instructions for posting the fire watch door notices

  • Orders to obtain a whistle or other signaling device should a fire or emergency occur

  • Important contact phone numbers


Be sure to check with your local fire marshal to verify what needs to be on your fire watch checklist and make sure it’s customized to the safety needs of your building.





Generally, a fire watch is a temporary means to provide an extra level of safety or to substitute an out-of-service life safety system. It can range from a few days to a few weeks. A fire watch may not be used as a technique to avoid or delay the installation of a required fire sprinkler, fire alarm, or other life safety system.  The Fire Marshal will assess the property and provide feedback with regards to expected length of a fire watch. 

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