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You want to find the most effective fire watch team for your property. Even if we aren’t the perfect company for your needs, let us help you get started. When hiring a fire watch service, you have three key tasks:




  • Know What Needs to be Protected


To best prepare your service package, we need to know how much area we need to cover, what in that area needs protection, and any potential hazards. Accurate communication is best when hiring a fire watch service; if you aren’t certain, consider consulting an insurance agent on their recommendations or ask us to come out and evaluate the site.


  • Set Parameters


The power is in your hands— what would you like us to do? What are you looking for in a fire watch company? Do you need to know our insurance and experience? Would you like referrals? What sort of procedures would you like us to follow? What questions do you have for us? It can help to make a list of requirements you want from a fire watch company so you can check them off as we answer your questions. If we don’t meet your criteria, we’ll do our best to give you advice and help you proceed.


  • Request a Consultation


Once you’ve laid out exactly what and who you need, it’s time to start asking questions and getting quotes. Call our friendly office staff today, and we’ll work with you to set up a custom commercial fire watch package and lay out pricing options.



Protect Your Investment Today

Our teams are ready and waiting to help protect your commercial property. We are where you need us, when you need us. 


To learn more about our fire watch services or to request a consultation, call our offices today.

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