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Prince William County Fire Watch Security Service Monitor Guard

Prince William County Virginia
Fire Watch

Emergency Fire Watch Service Protecting U.S. Business
Firewatch D.M.V., Inc has a 24-hour FireWatch division.  As a member in good standing of the National Fire Prevention Association, our Veteran owner guarantees that our Fire Watch Monitors are both licensed and insured as well as Fire Marshal approved in D.C., Maryland and Virginia to protect your investment.

#1 Fire Watch Service – Fire Guards – Firewatch Security


Prince William Fire Watch Personnel
Code Compliance Guideline

A fire watch is a temporary measure designed to ensure that one or more qualified individuals continuously and methodically monitor a building or a portion of it in order to identify and control fire hazards, spot early indications of unwanted fire, sound the fire alarm, and alert the fire department.

The following guidelines shall be used in commercial   and multi-family residential occupancies when a fire watch is ordered by the Fire Marshal’s Office:

1.  A fire watch shall be established and maintained throughout the building.  The fire watch shall be performed by responsible individuals designated by facility management.

2.  All areas within every building shall be visually surveyed and inspected for any visual evidence of heat, smoke, or fire at    intervals not to exceed the table below.

3.  The number of persons required will be such that the entire building can be checked every hour with the exception of Residential (Use Groups R-1 or R-2) Institutional (I-1, I-2 and I- 3) and Education (Use Group E) which must be checked every half-hour.

4.  The fire watch shall be staffed by a minimum of one person per floor in health care occupancies, and one person per every three floors in all other occupancies.

5.  All personnel assigned to fire watch responsibilities shall not have any other responsibilities other than that of conducting the fire watch.

6.  Management shall verify that all exit doors, exit access aisles, and exit discharges are unobstructed and functional.

7.  Personnel performing the fire watch shall have a means of communication that will allow them to immediately convey an alarm condition to the other member (s) of the fire watch and the Impairment Coordinator.

8.  A written record, including date, time, and the person(s) conducting the fire watch is required.
Prince William County Fire Marshal’s Office Code Compliance Manual – 7/1/2015-Revision

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